Mobility Specialists – Laura Elko Discusses Interactive Neuromuscular Stimulation and the NXPro with NeuX CEO Scott Minniear.

Scott Minniear and Laura Elko discuss various aspects of Laura’s work as a Mobility Specialist and her use of Interactive Neuromuscular Stimulation (INS) and the NXPro.

Tell us about the business and your team.

We are Mobility Specialists. I’m Laura Elko, co-owner and an orthopedic physical therapist, specializing in low back chronic pain. My business partner, Jillian Alati, is a neurological physical therapist specializing in Parkinson’s. Our progressive team is dedicated to using modern approaches to enhance outcomes and maximize gains for our clients.

You purchased two NXPros after a brief experience with the NeuX INS technology. What did you see with the technology that excited you?

My need originally came from what I was treating, which is a lot of chronic low back pain, and I needed something to help me minimize their compensations, help me recruit the muscles during their exercises. Some people with chronic pain develop movement patterns that are pretty crafty. My patients are high level, many are runners, and they were developing movement patterns that I couldn't break them of; hence they've been in chronic pain for a long time. What I found and love with INS is that I can integrate it with their movements and break the compensation patterns.

What kind of reactions do you get from your patients when using INS and the NXPro?

It has been remarkable. A lot of individuals who have chronic low back pain, it's been like this nagging something that has been lingering or they had surgery, and their pain is still there. They are stuck in pain. They have been really excited that they've been able to get out of pain when they haven't been able to before. And that's wherein I think the NXPro is just so beneficial because it's breaking compensation patterns and recruiting more muscle.

Tell us about one of your success stories.

I have so many, and I am proud of all of them because many are very proactive. One gentleman had been in pain for about three years and he had a lot of surgeries. He was still active, went to the gym regularly, played volleyball and ran. He would have flare-ups and be down and out for a week, but that was part of his routine. He would go on vacation and get very anxious about any travel because he knew his back would go out and he would pack a whole care package just to get him through the trip. So, for him, this was just his evolution, he already had back surgery, so what else was left? It was what it was. It took a while for us to get there because there were a lot of compensation patterns and things we had to break and fix. I think the most exciting thing was when he went on a vacation, and he didn’t take a care package for the first time in a long time.

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